Depression – one of those words thats get bandied about. Typically, we think its typified by sadness and crying but symptoms of depression can vary.
This could be withdrawing from the world, undergoing weight loss, sleep patterns changing and having difficulty concentrating. Often it can be hard to connect with the pleasures in life or we just feeling plain irritable with everyone.
Loss meanwhile can have some similar symptoms: Typically we feel tearful too but in this case it maybe just a reminder of the one we loved that sets off what is often described as the sadness in a wave. Loss feelings can also give us the experience of wishing to withdraw from life. It often poses questions about what is important in life and can throw up feelings of meaninglessness.
Giving ourselves the time and permission to cry can be tough and yet holding the feelings back can delay the grieving process. This process can be supported by gathering up important memories in the form of photos, letters etc. and keep them safe perhaps in a memory box that can be accessed at quiet times.
If its hard to do that alone, then getting support might be a good way forward.
I am now offering online sessions via Zoom, Skype, Facetime and calls. Please contact me for more information.